

年 齢 : 44才
国 籍 : フィリピン
現住所 : フィリピン





An accomplished professional with extensive experience in project management, engineering, and maintenance operations. I consistently exceed expectations in delivering projects on time and within budget.
Highly skilled in cost-effective project optimization, including scope development, estimation, scheduling, and progress monitoring. Proficient in integrating safety, health, and environmental considerations into project execution. Experienced in fostering client relationships and exceeding project expectations. Expertise in engineering calculations, equipment specification, and control system design. Actively engaged in knowledge management and mentorship initiatives to stay updated on industry best practices.
My commitment to continuous improvement and client satisfaction drives my success in diverse work environments.
With a proven ability to deliver results and drive continuous improvement, I am committed to excellence in project management, engineering, and maintenance operations. My diverse skill set, leadership capabilities, and dedication to quality make me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to achieve its strategic objectives.


  • 日本語


  • 英語


  • PCスキル

Administrator Level of SmartPlant Instrumentations, Administrator Level, Aveva Engineering Instrumentations, Autodesk Autocad, Navisworks Simulate, SmartPlant Review 3D Model
• Microsoft Office Applications (Excel, Powerpoint, Word and Project)


1996 - 2001

Rizal Technological University - マンダルヨン市、フィリピン

専攻:制御工学科 理学士


2010 - 現在、 2008 - 2009

Fluor Daniel Incorporated Philippines - ムンティンルパ市、フィリピン

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  • コスト競争力のある実行技術を適用し、エンジニアリング作業の実行のために最もコスト効果の高いプロジェクトソリューションを開発
  • プロジェクトのすべてのフェーズのためのサービス範囲、施設範囲、その他のプロジェクト基本文書を開発・レビュー
  • 推定値やスケジュール、進捗報告書、人員予測を開発・レビュー
  • 主要な量を追跡・モニターし、分析と予測を提供
  • 健康、安全、環境要因をデザインに組み込む
  • ジョブ実行計画を開発・更新
  • クライアントの代表者、ベンダー、下請け業者との外部関係を構築・維持
  • 装置や材料の調達、許可、下請けに関連する活動に参加
  • ベンダーリストをレビュー・承認し、見積もり依頼/入札表/発注書を準備し、技術的に受け入れ可能な代替品をレビュー

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  • 基本的な3Dモデル入力を作成
  • 高度な複雑さの2Dコンピュータ支援設計(CAD)図面を準備
  • プロジェクトのすべてのフェーズにおけるサービス範囲、施設範囲、その他のプロジェクト基本文書を開発・レビュー
  • 推定値、スケジュール、進捗報告、主要数量追跡レポートを開発
  • デザインに健康、安全、環境要因を組み込む
  • プロジェクト要件に準拠するために、同じ分野および他の分野のベンダー設備文書をレビューし、積極的に矛盾を解消
  • 他の部門機能との密接なインターフェースを提供
  • Fluorのグローバルコミュニティに参加し、OneFluorのマインドセットを促進
  • Fluorの知識管理ポータルとコミュニティの使用を促進し参加
  • キープロセスオーナーおよび部門マネージャーのイニシアティブをサポート

Fluor Daniel Incorporated Philippines <12/2010 – Present> <05/2008~05/2009>
1. Position: Control Systems Design Engineer III
------ Primary Responsibilties
- Apply Cost Competitive Execution techniques to develop the most cost-effective total project solution for execution of the discipline engineering work
- Develop and review project Scope of Services, Scope of Facilities, and other project baseline documents for all phases of projects
- Develop and review estimates and schedules, progress reports, including manpower forecasts
- Establish, track, and monitor material key quantities; provide analysis and forecasts
- Develop and review specifications, including design criteria
- Incorporate health, safety, and environmental factors in design
- Develop and update job execution plans
- Develop and build external relations with client representatives, vendors, and subcontractors and interface closely with other discipline functions promoting Client Service Excellence
- Participate in activities associated with equipment and material procurement, permitting, and subcontracting
- Review and approve vendor lists, prepare quotation requests/bid tabulations/purchase orders and review substitutions for technical acceptability
- Perform and check calculations, specify equipment, and solve moderately complex engineering problems
- Establish and lead the squad check effort for vendor equipment documentation for assigned equipment
- Review vendor equipment documentation within the discipline and from other disciplines for compliance with project requirements, and actively seek discrepancy resolution
- Prepare/review scopes of work for third party contracts
- Support proposal and estimate activities
- Identify deviations in job scope, estimate magnitude of changes, and initiate trends or change orders
- Analyze and make independent recommendations regarding solutions to problems with varying complexity in accordance with organization and/or project objectives and guidelines
- Perform control systems sizing calculations for control valves, relief valves, flow elements, thermowells and other instrumentation
- Create instrument index and datasheets and generate reports in Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation database
- Develop intermediate complexity control systems narrative specifications
- Develop basic control systems logic diagrams and/or cause and effect diagrams
- Represent control systems and participate in model reviews
- Develop specifications and design of Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) hardware and software applications; monitor DCS/PLC/SIS design developed by the design group
2. Position: Control Systems Drafter
----- Primary Responsibilities
- Create basic 3D model input
- Prepare advanced complexity 2D Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings
- Develop and review project Scope of Services, Scope of Facilities, and other project baseline documents for all phases of projects
- Develop estimates, schedules, progress reports, and key quantities tracking reports
- Incorporate health, safety, and environmental factors in design
- Review vendor equipment documentation within the discipline and from other disciplines for compliance with project requirements, and actively seek discrepancy resolution
- Provide close interface with other discipline functions
- Engage Fluor’s global community, promoting a OneFluor mindset
- Participate in and promote the use of Fluor’s knowledge management portals and communities
- Support Key Process Owner and Department Manager on initiatives

2009 - 2010、 2004 - 2006

Edward Keller Philippines Inc.  - カランバ市、フィリピン

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  • 優れたメンテナンス&修理活動の実行と、生産設備および作業エリアのプロセス改善を継続的に行い、設備の信頼性を確保しながらコスト効率の良いメンテナンス&修理活動を行い、製造およびその他のビジネスオペレーションを支援。
  • コスト予算とSOP内で工場/機械の信頼性を確保するための予防保全計画を確立、改善、実行。正確な原因分析を行い、影響を受けた部品の適切な修復または交換によって、PMプロセスのコスト効率を確保。
  • 監視や検査中に発見された重大な問題や、機械の故障の場合に、直ちにメンテナンス&修理を推奨し実施。
  • 機械オペレーターおよび生産スーパーバイザーと協力し、機械/設備のメンテナンスと修理を行う。次のメンテナンス&修理活動に彼らの意見を取り入れる。
  • 在庫コストを避けるため、コンサインメントのようなコスト効率の良いスキームでサプライヤーと協力し、スペアパーツの賢明な在庫と補充を確立。
  • エリアでのタスク実行において、EKPI品質管理システム、SHEポリシーおよび手順に積極的に参加し、文書システムと要件を厳守。
  • 装置の品質と精度を確保するため、工場のキャリブレーションプログラムを実施またはスポットキャリブレーションチェックを行う。キャリブレーションが正しくスケジュール通りに行われるようにサービスプロバイダーと協力。
  • ユーティリティグループおよび生産スーパーバイザーと協力し、運用中にプロセスおよび環境条件が満たされ維持されるようにする。
  • 品質活動(トレーニング、監査、CIプログラム)に参加。EKPIの内部品質監査プログラムに監査人または監査対象者および/または監査ガイドとして参加。
  • 自身のエリアの機械の信頼性と性能を向上させる提案を開始または実施。生産部門と協力。
  • 新しいビジネス開発プロジェクト、技術試験、新設備/CAPEX改善プロジェクトに自らを関与させる。専門知識と経験に基づいて改善を提案。SGA、タスクフォースへの参加、プロジェクトによる品質、安全性、出力、効率の向上や運用コストやメンテナンス費用の削減に取り組む。SCMおよび製造の生産性プログラムに参加。

Edward Keller Philippines Inc., Philippines <06/2009 – 12/2010>10/20024~09/2006
----- Position: Process Maintenance Technician III
----- Primary Responsibilities
- To execute excellent Maintenance & Repair activities, and continuous improvement of these processes, including the production equipment and work areas, ensuring reliability of equipment while maintaining cost efficiency in the conduct of the M&R activities; and to continuously provide support for manufacturing and other business operations.
- Establishes, improves, and executes Preventive Maintenance plan to ensure reliability of plant/machines with in cost budget and SOPs, and support production operations. Ensures cost efficiency of the PM process by instituting the right root cause analysis, and prudent rehabilitation or replacement of affected parts.
- Recommends and conducts immediate M&R for critical problems noted during the condition monitoring or inspection, or in case of machine breakdowns.
- Collaborates with the machine operator and Production Supervisor in maintenance and repair of machines/equipment. Incorporates their inputs in the next M&R activity.
- Establishes prudent stocking and replenishment of spare parts by collaborating with suppliers on cost- efficient schemes like consignment to avoid cost of inventory.
- Actively participates in complying with EKPI Quality Management System, SHE Policy and procedures in the execution of tasks in the area. Strictly complies with the documentation system and requirements.
- Implements calibration program of the plant or does spot calibration checks to ensure quality and accuracy of the equipment. Works with service providers to ensure calibration is done right and as scheduled.
- Collaborates with Utility group and the Production Supervisors in ensuring process and environment conditions are met and sustained during operation.
- Involves in quality activities like training, audits, and CI programs. Participates in EKPI’s Internal Quality Audit program as either an auditor or auditee and/or Audit Guide.
- Initiates and/or implements suggestion to improve reliability and performance of machines under his area. Collaborates with Production on this.
- Involves self in new business development projects, technical trials, and new installations/CAPEX improvement projects. Suggests improvements based on his expertise and experience.
- Involves self in SGAs, task forces for projects that will improve quality, safety, output, efficiency, or reduce operational costs or M&R expense. Participates in Productivity Program of SCM & Manufacturing.

2006 - 2008

Nestle Philippines Inc.  - マカティ市、フィリピン

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  • 電気・計測セクションの責任範囲にある様々な機器の保守、維持、修理を行う。
  • 変電所の機器やスイッチギアの操作、保守、修理、維持を行う。
  • 工場内で安全で信頼性の高い連続的な電力供給を確保する。
  • 工場で使用されるすべての計測器具の定期的かつ正確なキャリブレーションを実施する。
  • 工場内のすべての電動モーターの保守、維持、修理を行う。
  • 工場内の電気および計測関連のトラブルをトラブルシューティングする。
  • 工場内のPLCおよびMMI関連のトラブルをトラブルシューティングする。
  • 定期的なスケジュール/予測および状態ベースの保守(週次、月次、四半期ごと、半年ごと、年次)を実施し、すべてのプロセス計測器具と電気制御および関連する電気機器のスムーズな運用を確保する。

Nestle Philippines Inc., Philippines <09/2006 – 05/2008>
----- Position: Electrical and Instrumentation Technician
----- Primary Responsibilities:
- To maintain, sustain and repair various equipment is under electrical /instrumentation section’s responsibilities.
- To operate, maintain, repair and sustain substation equipment and switch gears.
- To ensure safe, reliable and continuous distribution of power in the factory.
- To conduct regular and accurate calibration of all instruments used in the plant.
- To maintain, sustain and repair all electric motors in the plant.
- To troubleshoot electrical and instrument related troubles in the plant.
- To troubleshoot PLC and MMI related troubles in the plant.
- To ensure smooth operation of all process instruments and electrical controls and related electrical equipment by performing regular schedule /predictive and condition based maintenance (weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually).






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☎ 045-628-9616



☎ 078-332-7510
